Happy Fathers Day!!
Today is Fathers day in Australia. The day when jocks and socks are given, handmade cards are drawn and lunchtime beers are acceptable. It's the day when we all reminisce about the men in our lives.
My Grandpa was a cheeky joker. When we were little he'd sneak into the bathroom and pour cold water over us while we were in the bath. Of course we screamed and wriggled... but we loved it! He had a big veggie patch and was always making something in his shed.
My Grandpa always jingled. He had loose coins in his pocket which he would give us if we we're good. They were only 1 or 2 cent pieces but back in the day a few of those could get you a bag of lollies.
When I was little my Dad had an afro, a mustache and rode a motor bike (well... it was a tiny Honda but he still had a helmet and a leather jacket!). He also wore knee high socks with sandles - so he wasn't actually a cool dad.
Fathers Day is about celebrating the men who have shaped our lives; and what better way to celebrate than with cake? But not a girly, fluffy cake. It has to be tall, hairy and stinky; just like the men we love! I give you the Jaffa Cake; 2 layers of fluffy orange cake covered in delicious chocolate frosting.
The recipe below is for one 20cm orange cake. You will need to make 2 (ie. use 12 eggs). Unless you have have an industrial sized mixer there will not be enough room to do the mixture for 2 cakes at the same time.
Serves 16 slices, approximately 238 calories per frosted double layer slice
For a 2 layer cake make 2 cakes (Ingredients listed for 1 cake only).
INGREDIENTS (for one orange cake; make 2 seperate cakes)
6 eggs, separated
1/2 cup maple syrup minus 1 tablespoon(can substitute other sweeteners but will change taste and cooking time)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup water
3/4 cup coconut flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
Rind of 1 orange
2 tablespoons of orange juice
Preheat oven to 175C/350F
Place egg whites in a clean mixing bowl and whisk on medium/high until soft peaks form.
Slowly add the maple syrup; 1 spoonful at a time.
Mixture will triple in size and form peaks.
Add vanilla and whisk on medium/high until combined.
Turn whisk to medium and add egg yolks, 1 at a time. Add next yolk only once the previous one has been combined.
With the whisk on high, slowly add the water and juice/rind.
In a separate bowl, sift the coconut flour and baking powder together 3 times.
Add the dry ingredients to the wet and whisk on low until combined. You made need to scrape down the edges to ensure the coconut flour is mixed in.
Turn the whisk to high and beat for 30-60 seconds; until fluffy.
Pour into a greased and lined 20cm/8 inch cake tin.
Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until cooked.
Remember to cook 2 cakes for a 2 layer cake (you will therefore need 12 eggs)
(feel free to use ganache as an alternative)
2 large ripe Avocado (or 3 small ones)
2 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2- 2/3 cup cocoa, unsweetened
1/2-2/3 cup Maple Syrup
3 tablespoons Whipped coconut cream (or normal coconut cream)
Remove pip from Avocados and spoon pulp into a blender.
Add vanilla, cocoa and maple syrup and blend until thoroughly mixed.
Stop and scrape down sides regulary to ensure that the avocados are broken up and blended in.
Once thoroughly mixed, transfer to the mixing bowl of a stand mixer with a whisk attachment.
Add whipped coconut cream and whisk until fluffy (2-3 minutes).
Store in fridge until firm.
Spread 1/2 cup of frosting evenlyover top of 1 cake. (add more if required)
Spread more frosting over top and sides of cake.
There will probabaly be some left for eating with a spoon.
Keep refridgerated until serving.
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