Wednesday 19 February 2014

Chocolate Cookies

Posted by Lisa at 03:25

I was an anxious partygoer growing up. When I was invited to a school friend’s party I was always worried if I had the right day, the right time. How uncool would it be arrive and be the only one there!

As I got older it was about what to wear, if my robot moves would cut it on the dance floor, boys and, oh yeah, boys. It was no 'arriving to school naked' dream and, of course, there was always a party bag to take home so that made it all ok.

4yo H started Kinder recently and this morning was supposed to be a meet and greet coffee session at a local Cafe for all the new mums. I have a tendency to not be very social in new circles (I think this comes from having a job where I talk to people all day and sometimes I need quiet time without my polite social face) so I decided to move out of my comfort zone, put on my sexy cowgirl outfit (sans hat) and go and 'meet and greet'. Here's how it went (and why party anxiety can extend to cafes).

8:50am - First one there. Decided to sit in the car with 2yo S and wait for someone else to arrive. Don't want to look like a loser sitting there by myself!
8:55am - a great big black van decided to park next to me and block my view of the cafe entrance. Have to leave the car to be able to see the entrance. My cover is blown!
9:00am - feeling like a bit of a knob sitting out the front so took 2yo S for a walk around the corner. Could spy a look in the cafe window... no one there yet!
9:05am - starting to feel like I must be a bit stinky, or perhaps I should have worn the cowgirl hat! Pretend to do something on phone to look less like a loser and more important.
9:10am - still no one else! The only new friend 2yo S and I made was a small rock he found under the park bench. We called him rocky… sadly he went missing at Aldi not long after.

New friends made: 0
Rocks lost: 1

So, the universal question: is it worse to get rejected by people who don't know you or by those who already dislike you?

When you are stood up there is only 1 cure...Chocolate Cookies. Chewy, Chocolate cookies with a secret, fibre fueled ingredient; Chickpeas! These cookies are gluten, dairy and processed sugar free. They are low in fat and calories as they have no butter or sugar and, most important, they taste great! If you want to jazz up your cookies add some chocolate chips, nuts, dried fruits etc but they are pretty tasty even without it.

CHOCOLATE COOKIES... with a healthy secret!

1/2 cup Dates
1/4 cup boiling water
Dash of Bicarb Soda
1/2 cup Chickpeas; canned, drained and then measured
2 Tablespoons Maple Syrup
2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
2/3 cup Almond Meal
1/3 cup Arrowroot Flour
3 Tablespoons Cocoa
1 Egg
1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
dash Salt

Optional extras: chocolate chips, nuts, coconut

Preheat the oven to 175C/350F
Line and grease a large baking tray.
Place the dates in a small bowl and cover with the boiling water and the bicarb.
Allow to sit for at least 20 minutes.
Place the dates in a blender and purée.
Add the chickpeas, maple syrup and vanilla extract and blend until a smooth paste is formed.
Add the egg and blend in.
Add the dry ingredients to the blender and mix until combined.
A delicious cookie dough will form.

Using a dessert spoon, scoop spoonfuls of dough onto the tray.
The spoonfuls will form round balls on the baking tray.
Will make 12 biscuits.

Place in the middle rack of the oven and bake for 16 minutes.
The cookies will be firm on the bottom and top, but still soft (not gooey) in the middle.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the trays.
Store in an airtight container for up to 3 days.


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