Sunday, 21 July 2013

And the winner is... Whipped Coconut Cream!

Posted by Lisa at 02:54

What was the race, event, quest you ask? Does it matter? Whipped Coconut Cream would win every time.

If I was to win a marathon I would want my trophy to be made out this stuff so I could gobble it down straight away. It's fluffy, sweet and tastes so decadent that you forget that it's not made from dairy.  Faux-dairy? Faux-care! I love this stuff.

This wasn't always the way though. Whipped Coconut cream and I have had a mixed history, but like most BFF's (did I mention that my new best friend is a dairy substitue?!) we got there in the end. The key is to buy the right coconut cream; the more organic and preservative/thickner free the better. I know, because I've gone through many cans of coconut cream trying to achieve perfection but, alas, all I got was a faux-mess. This week I struck gold with Aldis weekly specials, and have since gone back to buy a slab!

This cream tastes great with Paleo Chocolate Cake (Coming Soon!) and is used for the Chocolate Bavarian Pie. It also tastes great using a spoon, your finger or licking it straight out of the bowl. Don't be surprised if you find yourself making secret trips back to the fridge to steal spoonfuls when no one is looking!

NB; You may notice that the bowl in the photo is looking a bit empty. Confession; it was full but it tastes so good that I couldn't leave it alone! The recipe makes much when you make it you'll know how much of a piggy I am!



1 can organic Coconut cream (see above notes on types of coconut creams), opened and in fridge for min 5 hours
1-2 teaspoons maple syrup
1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract


Scoop the thickened cream from the tin, discarding the watery liquid at the bottom.
Place cream in mixing bowl and beat using whisk attachment.
Add maple syrup and vanilla to taste and continue whisking until thick.
Depending n your taste buds you may require more sweetener.
Keep refridgerated. 


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